


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Supporter VS haters

Supporter is the one who always with us ,
And sometimes with us ,
But they are the person who will give us advice ,
when we need them.

In the other hand

Haters is the person who always hate us ,
Dengki dengan apa yang kita buat ,
Jealous of what we have ,
Always talking bad about us to others,
And so much more.

Topic malam ni ialah supporter vs hater.
Kenapa ?
Sbb these few days , I did noticed that I have a supporter , and also haters.

Mcm mana aku boleh tahu ?
Sbb dorang sendiri yg ckp dorang support aku where ever I go , what ever I do , Everything.
But you know , humans are not perfect and I admit, I have a problem to believe people.
Experience and mistakes is a good teacher, guys !

I learn from people experience, I learn from people mistakes,
And I also learn from mine.

There are some pesanan penaja from me , to me myself , and also to others.


jangan suka cari kesalahan orang sahaja. jangan juga bersangka buruk. Adakalanya orang tak berniat nak lukakan perasaan kita. Jangan simply2 benci org sbb satu kau benci org , sepuluh org akn benci kita.

So cuba pandang semua positif okay! 


Nadira Kushari

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