Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Buat pembaca sekalian , hari ni sy maw update pasal ape yg dah jadi ri ni . Actually , dri pagi td lgi , celik je mata , sy terpaksa lalui pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan . I'll let you guys read by chronological order :)
Mornink : Mownink ^_^ . Hope ade cite best ri ni . Get ready to go to work , suddenly remember something . Yesterday night i've received a call from CIMB Bank . They ask me to come tomorrow to settle up my account problem . Change account - Credit card - CIMB clicks . All in one fine day :) Okay , before going to work , i'm texting my bos to inform that i cannot go to work , because i have to go to bank and settle up everything . BUT , she was very VERY VERY VERY brilliant , she call me back and say " starting by tomorrow , no need to come again , because we get another staff which is more experiences than you " . I reply them back "Okay , there's no problem with me :) I was about to resign but u already tell me the news first , so , no need to tell u guys again . btw , i have a nice experience working with u guys :) ". After i put the call , i'm rushing to the bank .

Afternoon : A few minutes to afternoon ** Wink2 ^_^ , I text my darling , AQEELA AZRI , to congratulate her cuz she's an auntie now ! Hahaha ;p Mak yang ye ? Alalalla .. Mak yang ! Hahaha ;p . We talking2 about 15 minutes , then , I gerak gy pejabat pos dulu . Pos PARCEL tok dua boodaaxx kesayangan sy : Bella ngn Syifa , afta that , gy Cathay Cineplexes pulak . Hoho ^_^ Gy amik tiket movie megamind yg ktorang order a few minutes before we leave home :)
After amik tiket , then baru lah gy bank .

Evening : Smpai bank about pkul 1. Queue kat information counter , then , amik number nak simpan duet dlm acc kaka . Tunggu turn . Then , gy kat information counter balik . Settle up card bank , then gy kat machine ATM , withdraw money . Gy information counter balik , then , amik number , then baru isi form nak bank in money dlm acc me pulak . Hoho ^_^ . We got an extra time , so we hang out around the curve , ikano , segala tempat yang boleh ktorang pusing , ktorang pusing jew . Hoho ^_^ . About dua tiga puluh minit jugak la ktorang berjalan tanpa hala tuju , last2 , decide nak tunggu kat e@curve jewp . huhu :) Then , ktorang layan movie nih :)

Before maghrib : Lepak MCD jap , then gy watson , beli perfume ^_^
i buy perfume PLAYBOY - malibu . Bau dea , sumpah cool gila ! awww ~ addicted gila kowt ! No wonder la guys yg PLAYBOY pakai perfume brand PLAYBOY ? Okeh . Pening dah . Lalalal~ Afta shoopink , ape lagi ? Balik ahh ! Orang atasan suda marah :( Taa kasik balik lmbt2 woo .
Maghrib : Smpai ruma dengan selamatnya :) Alhamdulillah .
Malam : Masak , makan , facebooking , update blog .
Dan ,itu lah yg jadi pada diri sy hari ni :)
nota kaki semut : abang sy sengal ! Dea berckp jujur hari ni . Dea ckp dea mawu kawen ngn sy ! Dea juga ckp dea suka tgk gmbar2 sy . Pelik tapi benar ! Rawrrr ~
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