This is when she smile...

The second pixt is here...She was so happy you know...

Aina playing his free toy's

This is when she smile...
The second pixt is here...She was so happy you know...
Aina playing his free toy's
After the mesyuarat,i go to utility room..My friends class bwat makan2 cikit!!So, I pown kne la tolong..First,ingatkan nk tolong,after that,when i arrive there,hum...x jadi ler..cuz why??? All my classmates doing 'lepak2' at btol2 tepi longkang... Actually i think they didn't know port mane lagi ley lepak2 like that... When,aisya or nazliya[i think] ask me about my kueh raye...Wah..I'm really2 forgot about it!! I ran as far as i can go[actually at open hall jew],dah tak de dah kueh raye tu... Then, I patah Balik kat bilik utility..I ask Anies about my kueh in my PU3 bag... She answer me"Tak tahu larh..."...I pown dengan bengangnye gy la kat pintu depan..I'm asking the same questiong to Faranajwa[i call him farahjiwang cuz last year,when we want to back to school from Langkawi,i'm sitting beside her and uncle bas tu pasang lagu jiwang2.i hate it... And i'm really2 shocked fara ikut nyanyi lagu tuh..Ntah Endon mane nyanyi,I pown x tau...Yg pelik,how she know the lyrics??Dah la lagu endon...]Then,fara ask me back"owh..bag PU3 yang hitam pink tu ae??"Then,she go to sebelah meja[bawah] n angkat my bag,she tell me" Bag ko dah kosong.. Mane kueh raye ko td??" I'm really2 bengang and i came in at utility room of course... I look on table yg ade banyak kueh raye, suddenly I nampak 4 bekas yg I btol2 kenal..That's my kueh raya!!! I'm take it back and I invite my classmate to eat my kueh raya larh!!
After that, Firdhaus came and Amin,well,kitorang dah jadi cam pasar borong dah!!Wahaha..mmg kecoh gilew.... All kakak2 yg i hate nk mati pown i ajak cuz nk abiskan kueh raye i yg tak laku itu!!Wahahaha...Well,after that we have Photography sesion but because i'm not giving my phone to Farhah,so,i can publish the picture..Mahal weyh!!! After that,Pn. Ros panggil to kumpul ramai2 at Assembly Hall... Dengan cik Ghumiat yg cakap lame nk mati, dengan panas nyew, terpakse larh i tahan semua ni cuz i nk DIUT RAYA!!!Yeay!! After i get money,salam2 ngn all teachers ,i take this pixt with pn munirah..