


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Result contest :)

Assalamualaikum .
Sorry for the late announcement .
Ngehehe ^^
Gedixx wat ayat poyo tongah2 malam ni .
Huhu ^^
Btw , kat cini dyra nak announce winner contest yg dyra buat dlu .
Ingta tak contest manaa ?
Ala , yg korang kne upload gmba korang paling comel lote , cute mute . ehehe :)

and the winner is :

jen jen jengg ..

Nur Nisrin Alyani :)

Tahniah dear . I love your picture , and also your words to describe yourself .
Its really entertaining ^_^

Tahniah again . Please contact me for your present ^_^

Congrats .

** To all readers and followers , jgn sedeyh2 . This month ade lagi . Tunggu entry baru pulak untuk syarat2 n ape yg korang kne wat tok join contest dyra ni . Hadiah lagi lumayan taww dari last month . Heheh ^_^