uhuh uhuh (Rihanna)
(chris brown)
uhuh uhuh (Good girl gone bad)
uhuh uhuh (Take three Action)
uhuh uhuh
No clouds in my storms
Let it rain, I hydroplane into fame (Eh eh)
Come'n down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone
We Rokafella (Eh eh)
We fly high to weather
And she rocks it better
You know me
An anticipation for precipitation, stack chips for the rainy day(Eh eh)
Jay, rain man is back with lil Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?
You have my heart, and we'll never be a world apart
Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the Dark, You can`t see a shiny Car
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share
When the sun shines
We’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath Imma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we`ll still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
Ella ella eh eh eh
Under my umbrella
Ella ella eh eh eh
Under my umbrella
Ella ella eh eh eh
Under my umbrella
Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh
you become another dream to me
a fairytale fantasy
nothing can ever compare
an image to my memory
and girl im asking could you be my queen?
a vision on a magazine
thats when i'll be there
its something we both share
when the sun shine well shine together
you know ill be here forever
although its a not a rain outside
girl its gettin late and you can stay the night
but you can dip out anytime whenever
i can call a car i aint tryna stress ya
im looking for the one with the glass slippa'
baby girl you can be my cinderella (ella ella eh eh eh)
you can be my cinderella (ella ella eh eh eh)
you can be my cinderella (ella ella eh eh eh)
you can be my cinderella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
you can run into my arms
its okay dont be alarmed
come in to me
there no distance in between (our love)
so go on and say my name some more
ill be all you need and more
[chris in a whisper]
(breaths deeply) you ready?
When the sun shines
We’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
said I'll always be your friend
took an oath imma stick it out til the end
but you can dip out anytime whenever
i can call a cab i aint tryna stress ya
im lookin for the one with glass slippa'
baby girl you can be my cinderella (ella ella eh eh eh)
under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
you can be my cinderella (ella ella eh eh eh)
under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
it's rainin'
ooh baby its rainin'
baby come in to me
come in to me.....
[chris untill fade]
rihanna, rihanna, rihanna.....
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
All colour in my life..
1. Are you currently mad at someone?
=D Yup
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?
=D Abdullah Umar
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
=D Macam2
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
=D My sis said ‘YES’
5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell/scream?
=D Of course..
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party?
=D Hurm..Lupa la..
2. Are you easily excited?
=D Not so
3. What event is coming up that your most excited about?
=D My teacher wedding..
4. Which of your friends is most excitable?
=D Deanna Jose
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought?
=D Gadjet’s
6. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
=D Huh..mcm2..
=D Nur Atiqah Nadirah Bt Ahmad Kushari
2. Where were you born?
=D Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
3. What's your main goal in life?
=D Ntah…
4. Do you want to have children?
=D Yup..Of Course…
5. How do you want to die?
=D With my darling…
1. What was your latest dream?
=D Want to live with my darling lorh..
2. Which of your friends do you dream about the most?
=D Hurm…ade lorh.
3. Have any of your dreams come true?
=D Yup..My BIOLOGY marks is much more better than YASMIN!!
4. Do you usually remember your dreams?
=D No…
5. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?
=D I want to kill someone that I hate..Muahhaha..
1. Straight, Gay, Bi?
=D Eeee Yuk’s
2. Do you have a bf/gf?
=D Yup
3. Do you have a crush?
=D Ntah
4. Who is the best "hugger" that you know?
=D Hurm…Yasmin maybe…
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
=D Of course..
6. Have you ever been in love?
=D Yup2..Hehehehe
1. Are you currently mad at someone?
=D Yup
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?
=D Abdullah Umar
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
=D Macam2
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
=D My sis said ‘YES’
5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell/scream?
=D Of course..
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party?
=D Hurm..Lupa la..
2. Are you easily excited?
=D Not so
3. What event is coming up that your most excited about?
=D My teacher wedding..
4. Which of your friends is most excitable?
=D Deanna Jose
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought?
=D Gadjet’s
6. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
=D Huh..mcm2..
=D Nur Atiqah Nadirah Bt Ahmad Kushari
2. Where were you born?
=D Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
3. What's your main goal in life?
=D Ntah…
4. Do you want to have children?
=D Yup..Of Course…
5. How do you want to die?
=D With my darling…
1. What was your latest dream?
=D Want to live with my darling lorh..
2. Which of your friends do you dream about the most?
=D Hurm…ade lorh.
3. Have any of your dreams come true?
=D Yup..My BIOLOGY marks is much more better than YASMIN!!
4. Do you usually remember your dreams?
=D No…
5. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?
=D I want to kill someone that I hate..Muahhaha..
1. Straight, Gay, Bi?
=D Eeee Yuk’s
2. Do you have a bf/gf?
=D Yup
3. Do you have a crush?
=D Ntah
4. Who is the best "hugger" that you know?
=D Hurm…Yasmin maybe…
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
=D Of course..
6. Have you ever been in love?
=D Yup2..Hehehehe
All About me
---------------LAST PERSON WHO--------------
x. Slept in your bed: No one!
x. Saw you cry: My sister
x. Made you cry: Friends
x. You shared a drink with: My little sister, Adriana Batrisyia
x. You went to the movies: My sister
x. You went to the mall with: Aisyah Syazwani
x. Sent you an email: Too many people la..
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
x. Have you ever liked someone who hadn't like you?: yup…many
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? ;yes!
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: no pet at all
x. Been to California: hahaha..mimpi la..
x. Been to Hawaii: mengarut..
x. Been to Mexico: berangan btol..
x. Been to China: tak de duit arh..
x. Been to Canada: pokai beb!
x. Danced naked: gila!!HARAM!!
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: hahahaha..ade la skali..
x. Do you have a crush on someone: yup..
x. What book are you reading now: aku tak bace buku ar skang…ngh on9 nieyh…
x. Worst feeling in the world:
x. Future son's name: Tengku Daniel Farhan..Sedap tak??JJangan cilok sudah ar…
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: NOPE..
x. What's under your bed: HAHAHA..GAMBAR2…
x. Favorite sport to watch: Bola
x. Siblings: 3
x. Location: Kota Damansara
x. College plans: Hhahaha..aku nk msuk SEGI COLLAGE!!
x. boyfriend/Girlfriend: Hahahaha..yg ni..secret!!
------------------------EXTRA STUFF----------------------
x. Do you do drugs: NO
x. Do you drink: No
x. What are you most scared of: Ghost!!
x. Where do you want to get married: London…Hehehe..berangan je lebey!!
x. Who do you really hate: Ade ar someone!!
x. Been in Love: Not yet!!
x. Do you drive: I will…
x. Do you have a job: I will
x. Do you like being around people: Yes and no!! Don’t know la!!
x. Room in house: 3
x. music: Many type…
x. Band(s): Hujan…
x. Color: Black,White,Red
x. Perfume or cologne?: Jennifer Lopez, Vera Wang Princess
x. Month: 8
x. Stone: Saphire
--------------IN THE LAST WEEK, HAVE YOU---------------
x. Cried: yup
x. Bought something: yes
x. Gotten sick: yes
x. Sang: allah!!Selalu…
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: hahaha…mengarut!!
x. Met someone new: yup…syira!!
x. Missed someone: yup..khaleda
x. Hugged someone: nononono…
x. Kissed someone: nononono…
----------- I N F O R M A T I O N ------------
Name: Nur Atiqah Nadirah Bt Ahmad Kushari
Status: Have been taken..
Sex: Female
Birthday: 13/08/1992
Sign: Leo
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown
Height: 175 cm
----------- F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: All at Ikano,the curve,
Favorite designer?: Hatta Dolmat
What is your sexiest outfit?: Aku tak de baju sexy larh!!
What is your most comfortable outfit?: semua….
What do you usually wear?: Allah…ni sape tak tau,susah nk hidup nieyh!!
-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Zhulian…
What are you listening to right now: Song la..x kn nk dgr mk membebel kowt???
Who is the last person that called you? Abdullah Umar
How many buddies are online right now?: 61
------------- F A V O R I T E S -----------------
Foods: Nasi goring Cina
girls name: Tengku Khateleen Quzandria/ Tengku Yasmin
Boys names: Tengku Daniel Farhan/
Subjects in school: Of course lah Chemistry and English for Science and Technology+Biology…
Animals: Rabbit!!
---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------
Given anyone a bath? Ade2!! Adeq aina qistina..
Smoked?: no..
Bungee jumped?: no..tak hingin aku….
Made yourself throw up?: Ape ni??
Ever been in love?: Yup..
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Hahahha…selalu..
Cried when someone died? Ade..arwah pakcik…
Fallen for your best friend?: yup…
Done something you regret?: yes
--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------
Understanding: Yup
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: not realy..
Insecure: don’t know la..
Random: hahha…ape ko mengarut nieyh??
Hungry: yes2!!always..
Smart: of course
Organized: yes…kowt!
Healthy: yes
Shy: ade la cikit!
Difficult: tak selalu
Bored easily: tak arh..
Obsessed: yes…
Angry: yes..with some1..
Sad: not really..
Happy: yes..always ma… smpi kwn aku kate aku gila!! Hak3!!
Hyper: yes2…
Trusting: yes…
--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------
Kill?: owh…..ade la la some1 nieyh..
Slap?: banyak yg nk kne penampar ngn aku..
Get really wasted with?: Khaleda n my darling
------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------
In the morning I: Kemas rumah la…
All you need is: Money!!
Love is: Cinta
I dream about: Faris[yesterday]
Playing with: Computer
--------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Flowers or candy: Candy
Tall or short: Tall
--------------- W H O ---------------
Makes you laugh the most: My friends[Arabic student’s]
Makes you smile: Yasmin n Khaleda
-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Tak pnah plak aku…
Wish you were younger: yes of course..sape x nk mude beb??
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes..sbb Athira!!
----------------- N U M B E R --------------
Of times I have had my heart broken: 1
Of CD's I own: 4
Of scars on my body: Tataw..Tak de rasenye..
x. Slept in your bed: No one!
x. Saw you cry: My sister
x. Made you cry: Friends
x. You shared a drink with: My little sister, Adriana Batrisyia
x. You went to the movies: My sister
x. You went to the mall with: Aisyah Syazwani
x. Sent you an email: Too many people la..
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
x. Have you ever liked someone who hadn't like you?: yup…many
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? ;yes!
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: no pet at all
x. Been to California: hahaha..mimpi la..
x. Been to Hawaii: mengarut..
x. Been to Mexico: berangan btol..
x. Been to China: tak de duit arh..
x. Been to Canada: pokai beb!
x. Danced naked: gila!!HARAM!!
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: hahahaha..ade la skali..
x. Do you have a crush on someone: yup..
x. What book are you reading now: aku tak bace buku ar skang…ngh on9 nieyh…
x. Worst feeling in the world:
x. Future son's name: Tengku Daniel Farhan..Sedap tak??JJangan cilok sudah ar…
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: NOPE..
x. What's under your bed: HAHAHA..GAMBAR2…
x. Favorite sport to watch: Bola
x. Siblings: 3
x. Location: Kota Damansara
x. College plans: Hhahaha..aku nk msuk SEGI COLLAGE!!
x. boyfriend/Girlfriend: Hahahaha..yg ni..secret!!
------------------------EXTRA STUFF----------------------
x. Do you do drugs: NO
x. Do you drink: No
x. What are you most scared of: Ghost!!
x. Where do you want to get married: London…Hehehe..berangan je lebey!!
x. Who do you really hate: Ade ar someone!!
x. Been in Love: Not yet!!
x. Do you drive: I will…
x. Do you have a job: I will
x. Do you like being around people: Yes and no!! Don’t know la!!
x. Room in house: 3
x. music: Many type…
x. Band(s): Hujan…
x. Color: Black,White,Red
x. Perfume or cologne?: Jennifer Lopez, Vera Wang Princess
x. Month: 8
x. Stone: Saphire
--------------IN THE LAST WEEK, HAVE YOU---------------
x. Cried: yup
x. Bought something: yes
x. Gotten sick: yes
x. Sang: allah!!Selalu…
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: hahaha…mengarut!!
x. Met someone new: yup…syira!!
x. Missed someone: yup..khaleda
x. Hugged someone: nononono…
x. Kissed someone: nononono…
----------- I N F O R M A T I O N ------------
Name: Nur Atiqah Nadirah Bt Ahmad Kushari
Status: Have been taken..
Sex: Female
Birthday: 13/08/1992
Sign: Leo
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown
Height: 175 cm
----------- F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: All at Ikano,the curve,
Favorite designer?: Hatta Dolmat
What is your sexiest outfit?: Aku tak de baju sexy larh!!
What is your most comfortable outfit?: semua….
What do you usually wear?: Allah…ni sape tak tau,susah nk hidup nieyh!!
-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Zhulian…
What are you listening to right now: Song la..x kn nk dgr mk membebel kowt???
Who is the last person that called you? Abdullah Umar
How many buddies are online right now?: 61
------------- F A V O R I T E S -----------------
Foods: Nasi goring Cina
girls name: Tengku Khateleen Quzandria/ Tengku Yasmin
Boys names: Tengku Daniel Farhan/
Subjects in school: Of course lah Chemistry and English for Science and Technology+Biology…
Animals: Rabbit!!
---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------
Given anyone a bath? Ade2!! Adeq aina qistina..
Smoked?: no..
Bungee jumped?: no..tak hingin aku….
Made yourself throw up?: Ape ni??
Ever been in love?: Yup..
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Hahahha…selalu..
Cried when someone died? Ade..arwah pakcik…
Fallen for your best friend?: yup…
Done something you regret?: yes
--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------
Understanding: Yup
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: not realy..
Insecure: don’t know la..
Random: hahha…ape ko mengarut nieyh??
Hungry: yes2!!always..
Smart: of course
Organized: yes…kowt!
Healthy: yes
Shy: ade la cikit!
Difficult: tak selalu
Bored easily: tak arh..
Obsessed: yes…
Angry: yes..with some1..
Sad: not really..
Happy: yes..always ma… smpi kwn aku kate aku gila!! Hak3!!
Hyper: yes2…
Trusting: yes…
--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------
Kill?: owh…..ade la la some1 nieyh..
Slap?: banyak yg nk kne penampar ngn aku..
Get really wasted with?: Khaleda n my darling
------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------
In the morning I: Kemas rumah la…
All you need is: Money!!
Love is: Cinta
I dream about: Faris[yesterday]
Playing with: Computer
--------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Flowers or candy: Candy
Tall or short: Tall
--------------- W H O ---------------
Makes you laugh the most: My friends[Arabic student’s]
Makes you smile: Yasmin n Khaleda
-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Tak pnah plak aku…
Wish you were younger: yes of course..sape x nk mude beb??
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes..sbb Athira!!
----------------- N U M B E R --------------
Of times I have had my heart broken: 1
Of CD's I own: 4
Of scars on my body: Tataw..Tak de rasenye..
Friday, May 9, 2008
Siti Nurhaliza-Masri Manis
Siti Nurhaliza - Masri Manis

Dengar tabuk berbunyi (sayup)
Dengar taulah menyanyi (merdu)
Rindu pada desaku
Asyik biduk dikayuh (laju)
Asyik unggas berlagu (merdu)
Masih tidak ku jemu
Musim silih berganti
Adat tetap di hati
Insan berkasih bersatu hati
Ihsan dan janji menjadi budi
Usah mungkir mungkiri
Aur dan tebing berteguh sakti
Bahu diganding saling berbakti
Pohon sehidup semati
Hai pohon sehidup semati
Manis sahut-bersahut (salam)
Manis tamu-bertamu (undang)
Indah dengan bahasa
Senyum balas senyuman (manis)
Senyum indah menawan (manis)
Kasih sayang bertaut
Manis riuh di kampung
Riang malam mengusik
Ayang menegur itik
Orang kampung mengejek
Ayam berlari
Itik jalan kedek-kedek
Hati-hati cik adik
Nantikan abang balik
Orang kampung berbisik
Detik tak detik
Pulanglah ayah sebagai pejuang
Ibu di rumah tunggu cantik-cantik
Pergilah abang sebagai pejuang
Adik menanti duduk molek-molek
p/s;p=go to this link to download this song

Dengar tabuk berbunyi (sayup)
Dengar taulah menyanyi (merdu)
Rindu pada desaku
Asyik biduk dikayuh (laju)
Asyik unggas berlagu (merdu)
Masih tidak ku jemu
Musim silih berganti
Adat tetap di hati
Insan berkasih bersatu hati
Ihsan dan janji menjadi budi
Usah mungkir mungkiri
Aur dan tebing berteguh sakti
Bahu diganding saling berbakti
Pohon sehidup semati
Hai pohon sehidup semati
Manis sahut-bersahut (salam)
Manis tamu-bertamu (undang)
Indah dengan bahasa
Senyum balas senyuman (manis)
Senyum indah menawan (manis)
Kasih sayang bertaut
Manis riuh di kampung
Riang malam mengusik
Ayang menegur itik
Orang kampung mengejek
Ayam berlari
Itik jalan kedek-kedek
Hati-hati cik adik
Nantikan abang balik
Orang kampung berbisik
Detik tak detik
Pulanglah ayah sebagai pejuang
Ibu di rumah tunggu cantik-cantik
Pergilah abang sebagai pejuang
Adik menanti duduk molek-molek
p/s;p=go to this link to download this song
Ini satu kisah by Aliff Aziz
Aliff Aziz - Ini Satu Kisah

Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x2)
Ini satu kisah bukan cerita dongeng dulu kala.
Ini kisah nyata tentang pertemuan aku dan si dia.
Buat kali pertama,tika ku terpandangnya.
Dia balas senyumku, ku melompat terharu.
Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x2)
Dia sungguh bijak buatkan jantungku berdegup rancak.
Dia sungguh lawa katanya aku tak kurang kacaknya.
Dia pun telah setuju,untuk jadi milikku.
Dia sungguh bergaya,pasti cemburu semua.
Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x2)
Dari dulu aku sering ke mana.
Tanpa ada teman di sisi ku.
Tapi kini semua sudah berbeza.
Ada saja dia di samping ku.
Ini satu kisah bukan cerita dongeng dulu kala.
Ini kisah nyata tentang pertemuan aku dan si dia.(x2)
Buat kali pertama,tika ku terpandanya.
Dia balas senyumku,ku melompat terharu.
Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x4)
p/s;p,to download this song,go to this link

Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x2)
Ini satu kisah bukan cerita dongeng dulu kala.
Ini kisah nyata tentang pertemuan aku dan si dia.
Buat kali pertama,tika ku terpandangnya.
Dia balas senyumku, ku melompat terharu.
Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x2)
Dia sungguh bijak buatkan jantungku berdegup rancak.
Dia sungguh lawa katanya aku tak kurang kacaknya.
Dia pun telah setuju,untuk jadi milikku.
Dia sungguh bergaya,pasti cemburu semua.
Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x2)
Dari dulu aku sering ke mana.
Tanpa ada teman di sisi ku.
Tapi kini semua sudah berbeza.
Ada saja dia di samping ku.
Ini satu kisah bukan cerita dongeng dulu kala.
Ini kisah nyata tentang pertemuan aku dan si dia.(x2)
Buat kali pertama,tika ku terpandanya.
Dia balas senyumku,ku melompat terharu.
Tiba tiba ku dilamun cinta ,
Dengan dia yang sering ku puja. (x4)
p/s;p,to download this song,go to this link
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